I’m Sick, so Here’s a Throwback Column! (posted 12/27/23)

I hope you all had a great Christmas!  I had a great trip to Denver, but then my whole family got covid for Christmas!  The wife and daughter got it first, and it caught up to me on Christmas eve.  And for the first time in my life, I wasn’t in church on Christmas eve. 

So since I’m not yet back on my feet and capable of providing you the top-shelf snarkery to which you’ve become accustomed, I thought I’d declare this to be “Throw-Back Wednesday,” and re-post two stories I enjoyed writing about last January:  

From 1/27/23:  

In my recurring “Find A Mirror!” series, this week’s entry comes to us via a would-be Olympic athlete named Sha’Carri Richardson.  Her trouble is totally unrelated to the silly apostrophe in her name, even though it does violate one of the well-known rules found in wisdom literature the world over.

(Don’t get into a land war in Asia.  Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line. Don’t invest with a leftist weirdo like Sam Bankman-Fried.  Never use an apostrophe in your first name.  Etc.)  

The last time we saw Sha’Carri, she was getting tossed off the US Olympic team for smoking weed shortly before the Tokyo Olympics in 2021.  Rather than, you know, preparing for the Olympics WITHOUT smoking weed. Which sounds just crazy enough to work!

Full disclosure: I can’t say that I ever saw her in any Olympic stories or coverage, because football is not in the Olympics, while many goofy sports are.

(Although there is that one cool sport where people ski around with rifles on their backs, and then stop and shoot things, and then ski some more.  Ever since the Finns cleaned up in that event in the 1930s, and then punched above their weight against the Russians in the Winter War, I’ve got a soft spot for that event.)

(Okay, I just looked it up, and it’s called the “biathlon.”  Which is what I’ve been mistakenly calling Bruce Jenner for the last several years.  Boy, is my face red!) 

Where was I?  Oh yeah.

If you search Richardson’s name online you’ll find a lot of pictures of her during various races and workouts (between bouts of weed smoking, presumably), and you may notice that her hair was often either orange or yellow.

I only mention this because I am deeply offended by cultural appropriation, and unless there is a Skaarsgard or Hrothgarsdottir in her family tree, she should be ashamed of herself.  (Yes, I’ll say it: she’s the Lizzie Warren of pot-smoking, non-Scandinavian sprinters.) (#wemustneverstopmockingher)

But Richardson’s latest problem has nothing to do with her vestigial apostrophe, or her racially offensive hair color.  It all stems from her advanced case of NUSS (Narcissistic Un-self-aware Snowflake Syndrome), which went from dormant to active on an American Airlines flight on Saturday.

I know what you’re thinking, and let me stop you right there:  Obviously, I normally wouldn’t be able to diagnose a stage-four NUSS case without spending some in-person clinical time with the patient.

But in this case, Richardson recorded herself throughout the incident, in the delusional belief that she was 100% correct, and that everyone who viewed her video would naturally side with her.  (That belief is actually one of the 7 recognized symptoms of NUSS that you’ll find in the DSM 5.  You can look it up.)

Anyway, our video opens with Richardson making a selfie video on the plane, as the recorded message saying,“turn off personal electronics” is playing.  (Classic NUSS-ster move!) A passing male flight attendant reminds her to turn off her phone in preparation for take-off, and she immediately NUSSes out on him:  “I’m recording me, but you jumped in my video, so I caught you because you jumped in my video. You’re harassing me at this point, so I think you should stop.”

Over the next ten minutes she escalates, getting louder and more profane as other passengers make it clear that they don’t agree that she’s the fixed point around which the entire solar system revolves.

She also gestures dramatically with her boxcutter-length fake fingernails (NUSS Symptom 4), and compulsively flutters her small-badger-sized false eyelashes (Symptom 5).  

When the captain finally gets involved and orders her off the flight, her first question is, “Is [the flight attendant] going to be removed off the plane as well?”  Then she asks if the captain can come to her seat so that she can make him “understand the situation.”  (Symptom 2) She also insists that the flight attendant is at fault because he “invaded [her] privacy” by intruding on her video. (Symptom 3)

Also, she informs one of her fellow passengers that, “I’m still a superstar, and you’re a regular person.” (Symptom 1: NUSS Symptom Bingo!)

As she finally leaves the plane, many passengers applaud.

Now generally, receiving applause creates one of life’s most enjoyable moments.

For example, during my career as a professor, I would often receive rounds of applause, and not just because my funny and thought-provoking lectures weren’t forcing anyone to miss a connecting flight to Dallas.  And even when my students would hoist me on their shoulders and carry me out of the classroom chanting, “Simp-son, Simp-son!” they weren’t applauding the fact that I was leaving the building.

Sure, maybe those tales are slightly exaggerated, or maybe in some cases – technically speaking – “imaginary.”

And maybe some of the polite applause I often received had something to do with the fact that I had total power over my students’ grades, so they were like Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.

(And that’s how you score in the category of “Puritan Sermon References” on Jeopardy, people.) 

Still, it is a major red flag when you meet several hundred people for the first time, and 11 minutes later they are cheering as you are forcibly driven from among them.

Therefore, Sha’Carri Richardson, you need to…

Find a Mirror!

From 1/23/23

The British Museum has tragically succumbed to advanced wokeness, having recently decided to stop using the word “mummy.” To spare the feelings of easily triggered 3000-year-old cadavers, I guess?

“So what do I call a mummy?” you’re not asking, because you’ve got a life to lead and you’re not an imbecile.

The proper term now is either “mummified person” or “mummified remains.”

Ugh.  Are we going to going to have to discuss mummy pronouns next?

Even the National Museum of Scotland has joined in the insanity.  One of their spokeswomen said that they either use a mummy’s individual name (if known), or else “mummified, man, woman, boy, girl or person.”

Which opens a whole ‘nother can of worms.  (Sorry: a whole ‘nother can of “soft-bodied invertebrates belonging to the phylum Annelida.”) (See? You learned something here today, didn’t you?) (Also, when you read “soft-bodied invertebrates,” how many of you instinctively thought of Jerry Nadler?)

Anyway, all phyla aside (Boom! Irregular Latin plurals for $1000!), why don’t the insensitive clods in Scottish and British museums consider that saying “mummified man or woman” could be mis-gendering them?

And you cannot say, “I judged based on the mummified phallus on that mummy.”  Because if academics have taught us anything lately – and the jury may still be out on that – it’s that women can have phalluses too.  (Yes, I could have also said “phalli.”  Don’t get pedantic with me when I’m on a roll.)

Now where was I?  Oh yeah.

When you read “mummified phallus,” how many of you instinctively thought of either Bill Clinton, Dick “nobody calls him ‘Richard’” Durbin, or Richard “everyone secretly calls him ‘Dick’” Blumenthal?

Okay, this first item has gone totally off the rails.

But only because extending the woke lunacy to the point of trying to protect the feelings of people who have been dead since before Bernie Sanders got out of middle school is so ridiculous.

Even if you accepted the premise, though, here is a short list of things that mummies would be more worried about – if they could worry about anything – than being called “mummies”:

a. Being associated in any way with Imhotep Pelosi.

b. Whether these burial wrappings make their butts look too big.

c. Having had their brains scrambled and removed with iron hooks, leaving them with the cognitive function of AOC.

In related news, I will be calling a press conference tomorrow announcing that we should no longer call dullard politicians, “idiots.” Instead, I decree the favored alternatives to be either, “Idiotic Person,” or “Person Stricken with Idiocy.”

Or, in the case of Joe Biden, “Idiotic Remains.”

Okay, I’ll be back on my feet and writing new stuff again shortly.  But in the meantime, don’t forget…

Hamas delenda est!   

The Bitter and the Sweet at Christmas (posted 12/18/23)

As you read this, my wife and youngest daughter and I will be flying to visit Katie (my oldest daughter) and her husband in Denver.  We’ll be returning home on Friday, and I hope to still be able to post a column that morning. 

I’m feeling a little of the usual, mild disorientation I feel before traveling, made much stronger now by the insane twists and turns our political world has been making.  For one example, a conservative blogger turned me on to a 10-minute rant that Chris Cuomo made last week about Israel and Hamas… and I found myself agreeing with every word he said! 

I know: Chris Cuomo!  The dullest of the Cuomos!  And yet he made perfect sense, pointing out how evil Hamas is, and how leftists who are joining in with the anti-Semitic mobs chanting for genocide are making a huge moral and political mistake.

Then I see a clip of Frankenstein Fetterman, and he’s continuing to make sense too!  Now he’s said that even though he is pro-immigration, we still need to stop the unvetted flood of immigrants who are crossing our border daily.  He’s also been taking more and more heat – and standing up to it – for continuing to back Israel against Hamas. 

The usual fanatical suspects got their burkas over their head about him telling the truth about Hamas and calling them “terrorists.” Over the last month protestors have blocked streets outside his Philly office and heckled him at events.  And he responded by saying that he’s not a progressive.

So yeah, I’m a little dizzy.  Chris Cuomo is making sense; Fetterman is acting more like a Republican Senator than most Republican senators; the world is upside down, cats and dogs are living together, nothing makes sense anymore!

I’ve done a lot of the usual mockery lately, and the dominant tone of my recent columns has been mostly negative: it seems like the world and our nation are deteriorating before my eyes, and we have one national party that is going farther and farther to the radical and – I don’t know what other word to use – evil left.

And the other party seems like it’s bound and determined to do everything in its power to break my heart, personally. 

But it’s Christmas time, so I want to change the focus in this column. 

This has always been my favorite time of year, starting when I was a kid.  I loved the snow, I loved the carols, I loved the Christmas plays at church.  Oddly enough, though I’ve always been a wise guy, I was never a Wise Man. 

Speaking of which, I just remembered a dumb joke about kids portraying the Three Wise Men at church.  The three kids approach the manger, and one of them holds up a small box and says, “I have gold.” And he puts it down.  The second kid says, “I have myrrh,” and puts it down.  And the third kid steps up and holds out his box and says, “Frank sent this.”

Anyway, in my own experience, being young and blessed to be growing up in a loving and stable family, in the mostly functional and cohesive Midwest, Christmas was unadulterated bliss. 

But as I’ve reached my sixth decade, it’s pretty easy to understand why this holiday can be a depressing time for many people.  Mixed in with the good things, we can easily succumb to bittersweet nostalgia for lost loved ones, lost youth, and happier times that appear even more glowing because of their distance from the gritty present. 

And when tragedy happens near Christmas – as it inevitably does over a long enough time span, considering that the Thanksgiving-to-Christmas season is about 1/8th of the year – the losses bite deeper when the season reminds us.

My dad died 9 years ago last Thursday, and Alzheimers has taken more of mom from herself and from us over the past year.  A loved one died in the prime of her life last Monday from an unexpected autoimmune disease and pneumonia, leaving three kids and a devastated extended family. 

Life continually reminds us that it isn’t fair, and that we’re not guaranteed anything on this earth.

Still, this site is about cautious optimism, and I don’t know if I’m getting wiser, or just older.  But my increasing sense of the brevity and fragility of life really is making me value and appreciate each day more and more.  (You may remember my column last month, in which I quoted the end of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 73: “This thou perceivest, which makes thy love more strong/To love that well which thou must leave ere long.”)(That guy knew some stuff.)

And if that’s the case for every regular old day, for me it’s even more true of Christmas and the Christmas season.  So I thought I’d conclude this column by recommending a few of my favorite Christmas books and music, and ask you to share some of yours.

I’ve written before of how much I love Dicken’s great “A Christmas Carol.”  Even though we all get sick of songs, movies and people who get over-exposed – and no cultural production has been experienced more often than A Christmas Carol! – the tale has never gotten old for me. 

I still enjoy watching it on tv, and my favorite version has fluctuated between the 1938 version with Reginald Owen and the 1951 with Alistair Sim, but in recent years the 1999 version with Patrick Stuart has elbowed its way into a near, three-way tie.   

I re-read at least most of the book every year, but in recent times I’ve taken to listening to it as a book on cd (or streaming), as read by the late, great Frank Muller.  You can easily find that recording, and if you’re traveling for the holidays, listening to the combination of Muller’s voice and Dickens’ masterful writing should put you in the spirit of the season. 

This year conservative Hillsdale College – a great contrast and counterpoint to the kind of woke malice on display in the Ivy League and in way too many other universities –  has put out a six-episode course on the Carol. 

The videos are well done; their total run time is around 3 hours, and you watch them for free by registering on the Hillsdale site.  An English prof named Dwight Lindley walks you through the text, mostly celebrating but also explaining and interpreting, and it’s worth your time.

When it comes to Christmas music, it goes without saying that when the great and powerful CO performed his own version of “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen” on guitar last Christmas at my request, I had reached the pinnacle of coolness.  (Perhaps he can re-post that before Christmas, for those who have found the CO site over the last year?)

I’ve always thought that you can’t go wrong with Christmas carols played by brass quartets.  I’ve also written in the past about the quirky but effective takes on many carols from Sufjan Stevens, which are worth checking out on line. 

The Christmas song that I listen to the most in recent years is “O Come, O come, Emmanuel,” probably because its combination of hope and mourning speaks to the bittersweetness that I discussed above.  

My favorite version lately is the OG country/bluegrass one by the Petersons, a family with three sisters with great voices. They do a 5-minute melding of “O Come, O Come” and “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus,” that is all kinds of right.  The instrumentation comes from a banjo, violin, mandolin, cello, guitar and dobro, and while I appreciate a symphony, my hillbilly heart loves those six instruments together. 

Finally – and this one might be a bridge too far for those of you who are not religiously inclined – I recently discovered Chosen, the video series on the life of Christ.  In general, I’m a little put-off by most video versions of the Bible or Bible stories, but this series is really well done, and captures what seems to me to be the essence of the Man and His story. 

If you’re inclined to give it a try, I’d suggest one particular scene to give you a taste of the series: the story of Christ meeting the woman at the well.  The scene is only around 7 minutes long, but it captures the essence for me.  And even if you’re not a believer, if that scene doesn’t choke you up at least a little, I don’t know what’s going on with you.  

Okay, CO nation.  I’m off for some family time in Denver.  If you’ve got particular Christmas traditions, music or anything else that makes the season for you, please share them. 

But as the holiday approaches, we must still not forget…

Hamas delenda est!

Fauci’s Vanity, Several Hamas Apologists Receive Karma, & Gaslighters Gotta Gaslight (posted 12/15/23)

Today’s column is going to be a grab bag of stories I either just saw, or haven’t had a chance to comment on.  Because even in a 3-column week, there are more rant-worthy stories than I’ve had time to rant about. 

For example, if you would have asked me one week ago, “Martin, do you think it’s metaphysically possible for you to be more disgusted with Anthony Fauci?”  I would have said absolutely not.

But then Fauci said, “Hold my orb and my scepter and my holy chalice, and watch this.”  And he gave an interview to the BBC in which he explained that while he “identifies as a Catholic,” his own personal ethics are so awesome that he doesn’t need to practice religion. 

First, his “identifying” as a Catholic is no more meaningful than Richard Levine “identifying” as a woman named Rachel Levine (not to mention his identifying as Admiral of the Seven Seas).  Or the Pale Puritan Senator from Massachusetts “identifying” as the “Miss Cherokee Cheekbones” winner from the Great Plains Pow Wow of 1980.  (#wemustneverstopmockingher)

Second, who could have guessed that a guy who had no problem identifying himself as the embodiment of capital “S” Science would also give himself an A+ for moral and theological perfection? 

(I still think that continuing to prop up and defer to Fauci was one of only two significant failures of Trump’s term.  Due to our dysfunctional government employment bureaucracy, Trump might not have been able to fire Fauci, but he certainly could have banished him to some remote clinic doing STD testing, and ensured that he would never represent the White House on national tv again.)

To summarize, Fauci is The Science.  And also, apparently, the Way, the Truth and the Life.  No one comes to the Science except through him!

As long as we’re here in theology corner for the moment, did you catch the story on Tuesday of the  Turkish member of parliament who gave a dramatic speech berating Israel?  His name is Hasan Bitmez, and he called out his fellow Turks for not being sufficiently pro-Hamas and pro-terrorism.

He ended his stemwinder by addressing Israel directly, saying “You will not escape the wrath of Allah!” 

Then he said to his fellow pols, “I salute you all.”

And then… DOWN GOES BITMEZ!  The guy went from hate speech to horizontal in two seconds!

And this wasn’t a Joe Biden-style collapse – which happens thrice a week, and can be caused by anything from sandbags to stairs to a stiff breeze.  This was a full-on heart attack.  He was rushed to the hospital, where he died yesterday.

If this was a theological column, I might cite Jehovah on the issue of Israel (to wit, that He will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse her).  But this is not a theology column, and I’m not a theologian.

So I’ll just cite Nelson Muntz, from my namesake tv show: “HA! HA!”

As long as we’re on the subject of Israel and Hamas, I came across yet another dishonest and emotionally manipulative article on the current war, this time from CNN.  (Surprise!)

It is a tear-jerker tale of a Palestinian “writer and academic” named Refaat Alareer who stayed in a part of Gaza that the IDF had warned civilians to leave, and was killed in an airstrike on December 7th

The story paints him in glowing terms, stressing that he was a civilian, that he was “trapped” in Gaza, and that he had edited several collections of essays, pics and poems depicting the suffering of “Palestinians” under “blockade” and “siege” by Israelis.  He somehow never mentions why such a blockade or siege might be in place.  (Hint: Even after Israel pulled out of Gaza 17 years ago, Gazans kept murdering Jews in unprovoked rocket and terrorist attacks.) 

He was called “a towering figure in Gaza,” a “generous, gracious, gentle, patient” man and “a force for good.”  The article ends with the words of a former student of his: “We remember and carry on Refaat’s legacy.  Refaat the storyteller, father, husband, son, teacher, and friend.”

But in the middle of the story, as a kind of throat-clearing aside – quickly mentioned and then dropped –is this little nugget: “While Alareer’s death is being mourned by Palestinians (sic), some of his comments have caused offense.  In a BBC interview he described the October 7th attacks as ‘a pre-emptive attack by Palestinian resistance’ that was ‘legitimate and moral.’”


Again, I’m no journalist, but I think I can fix this story’s headline: “Dishonest, Anti-Semitic ‘Palestinian’ Terrorist Supporter Reaps What He Sows.”  You’re welcome.

And while we’re on the topic, I’m seeing an awful lot of video of “Palestinian” civilians weeping over their loved ones killed or injured in the war, and their grief is understandable.  However, I’d like to hear just one of the “reporters” covering those stories ask the mourners a simple question: “What do you think of the 10/7 attack on mostly unarmed Israeli civilians?”

If the “grieving” “civilians” respond by condemning Hamas and their evil actions that have caused these air strikes, God bless them, and they deserve sympathy.

But if they respond by spitting out some genocidal hatred for Jews and praise for Hamas, the reporters should thank them for their thoughts, then hop into a Jeep and drive a safe distance away.  And then call in another airstrike on that location. 

Because “friend you,” malicious sufferers of karmic justice!

Speaking of the dishonest MSM, when CNN scooped PBS with their lying about Gaza, PBS tried to keep up, by lying about what caused recent Irish riots in Dublin. 

On 11/24, a man the media worked diligently to NOT identify stabbed five people, including three children.  After many months of crime and social unrest prompted by many unvetted immigrants being allowed into Ireland against the will of most citizens (sound familiar?), many Irish were fed up, and started protests that definitely did not remain peaceful.

The Irish press and authorities made things worse, as is their wont, by imposing an information blackout that fed rumors.  The cops had no information to release on the stabber – except, oddly enough, that they were 100% certain that the motive was NOT terrorism!  They wouldn’t comment on rumors that the knifester was an illegal immigrant from a Muslim country. 

After several weeks went by, it turned out that he was in fact an Algerian immigrant who had come to Ireland legally 20 years ago, and had been living on the dole before he went all stabby.  But the MSM focused much more on how terrible the Irish protestors were, decrying the evil xenophobes who carried such inflammatory signs as ones proclaiming, “Irish Lives Matter.”

No good person excuses the subsequent riots and vandalism.  But the same kind of arrogant leftist governments who happily go down endless rabbit holes searching for the “root causes” and excusing every murderous rampage by preferred groups – jihadis in the Middle East and around the world, BLM and antifa in the states, etc. – directed their ire solely at the put-upon Irish citizenry.

When Bill Maher asked PBS “journalist” and first-class gaslighter Jane Ferguson about the potential reasons behind the riots, she gave a very wordy answer that never mentioned Ahmed al-knife-bladi.  Instead, she described the riots as a “fomented” act by a “very tiny minority” that’s “very loud and very violent.”  She further characterized the movement as “anti-immigration” and “basically the usual populist kind of conversation.”

Funnily enough, even when MSM critics had to admit that Ferguson’s response was BS, the best they could do was to point out that the riots “were triggered by a variety of factors, not solely anti-immigration sentiment,” and claim that social media was another culprit.  In other words, they did everything but admit that the Irish people might have some legitimate cause for concern.   

Guys, I’m no journalist – neither are most of you, apparently – but you’re burying the lede, and missing the point, and you can’t see the forest for the trees (along with whatever other phrases might indicate that your heads are up your arses).

Here’s what started the riots – which you would be calling “peaceful protests” if you were at all ideologically consistent: Against a backdrop of a wave of crime and social disruption caused by illegal immigrants from Muslim countries throughout Europe and in Ireland, an unemployed and non-contributing immigrant stabbed three Irish children.  And most Irish people tend not to like that.

There.  Was that so hard, PBS cranial-rectal inversion lady?

So what have we learned here today?   

That although I’m no theologian, I’m still a better theologian than Tony Fauci and Hasan Bitmez, and although I’m no journalist, I’m still a better journalist than anyone in the “mainstream” media.

Sure, those are low bars… but I am clearing them!   

Hamas delenda est!   

A Close-Run Race to Win the Coveted “Most Obnoxious Leftist of the Week” Award (posted 12/13/23)

Our first candidate is far-left PA representative Summer Lee (D-ullard) who for some reason is the ranking member of the House Oversight Subcommittee on Gathering Taxpayer Money Into a Giant Pile and Then Lighting it on Fire.

Sorry, my crack research team tells me that she was actually heading up the subcommittee on “health.”  (I’m going to guess from what happened that it wasn’t mental health.)

Anyway, one of the speakers in front of that ridiculous committee was Riley Gaines, the excellent collegiate swimmer who was cheated out of several wins by a narcissistic, hulking dude who calls himself Princess Petunia, or something equally absurd.  

So Summer Lee spouted a bunch of nonsense about how being able to dominate women in sports would raise the self-esteem and decrease the stress of males who can’t make it in male sports.  Then she called Riley Gaines “transphobic.”  When Gaines had the chance to respond, she said that forcing women to get whipped by mentally ill males (my paraphrase) is “misogynist.”

Lee then got mad, and moved to have Gaines’ words taken down, on the grounds that “[Gaines] is engaging in personalities.”  (Whatever that means.) After consulting off-mike with several minions, she was visibly angry, but just as visibly defeated, and she finally turned her mike back on and snipped, “I move to withdraw the point of order.”

I’m no lip-reader, but when I put my conical purple wizard hat on and watched again, I think I detected that one of the helpers she consulted said, “Gaines just said something obviously true and you called her a ‘transphobe,’ so you can’t accuse her of ‘engaging in personalities’ when she rightly beeyotch-slapped you back, you ignorant wench.”

That’s entertainment!

Our second candidate is a similarly awful Democrat congresswoman who stepped on a different political rake on Saturday, receiving a similarly hilarious metaphorical rake handle across her big, stupid face.  This was Sheila Jackson Lee, who has been plaguing Texas voters during her 30 years (!) in congress, until she decided to run for Houston mayor this year. 

No, she didn’t leave congress to do it.  I guess she figured that she could be a terrible congresswoman AND a terrible mayoral candidate at the same time. And boy, did she pull that off!

On Saturday she got stomped by bland white-guy Democrat John Whitmire by 30 points!  Since Lee is black, you know why she thinks she lost, don’t you?


No, sorry about that.  I meant…


The best part of her loss wasn’t that it was such a blow-out.  Or that she was endorsed by Cankles (CAW CAW!) Clinton and Imhotep Pelosi.

The best part was the comedy gold revealed in leaked recordings of her verbally abusing staffers during the campaign. 

Among other things, she told one, “I want you to have a [friending] brain!   Nobody knows a [GD] thing in my office!”  Of another staffer she said, “He only sit up there (sic) like a fat ass, just an idiot, talkin’ bout what the [friend] he doesn’t know… stupid [motherfrienders]… two [GD] big-ass children, [friendin’] idiots, serve no [GD] purpose!”

She seems nice, doesn’t she?  

On the other hand, if she’s talking about human beings who willingly went to work to advance the candidacy of Sheila Jackson Lee, then “sitting there like an idiot serving no damn purpose” probably deserves a big ol’ “fact check: true.” 

Still, hearing SJL calling somebody ELSE a worthless idiot seems like the pot calling the kettle… um… African-American, I guess?

By the way, after losing her mayor’s race by a mile, she turned around and announced that she’s officially running for re-election to her House seat in November.  Because of course she is.

You told her once, Texas voters.  Looks like you’re going to have to tell her again. 

But move over Summer Lee and Sheila Jackson Lee, because a different Dem politician edged you out for most hilarious self-own of the month!  I give you the so-called “Porn-Dem.”

And it’s a sad commentary on the times that when I read “Porn-Dem” in a headline, I guessed a dozen people that it could be referring to.  (Hunter Biden? Anthony Weiner? Slick Willie Clinton?  Jeffrey Tubin?  Jeffrey Epstein?  Harvey Weinstein? Etc. and etc.)

But no, this time it’s Susanna Gibson, the brainiac who narrowly lost a Virginia House seat race last month after webcam sex videos that she had distributed to paying customers came to light. 

Here are the facts: Gibson live-streamed videos of herself having sex, and received “tips” from anonymous viewers who watched.  No one knows who alerted the media to those videos, but my money is on disgruntled leftists, who were offended because the sex was heterosexual, and with her husband.  (So gross!) 

Now that she lost, she is upset. In an interview with lefty Politico, she complained about “the embarrassment” she felt when the clips were “leaked,” and how devastated she was to find out “that there are sexually explicit videos of [me] online.”

If I can just take a moment to engage my Sam Kinison filter… 


The best part is that she’s REALLY mad that the stories about her videos, “implied that I performed sex acts online with my husband for money.”    


Sorry.  Let me just turn that filter off…

She really said that: just because she took money from viewers, that doesn’t mean she did it for money.  And she really feels like her “privacy has been violated” – I’m not making that up – and she never imagined that anybody watching her sex videos would record them and spread them around. 

Because if there’s one thing that anonymous weirdos watching your sex videos one-handed are known for, it’s their principled, deep and abiding respect for copyright and privacy laws.

Considering the way this woman was able to get caught with her hand in the cookie jar – and that’s not a sexual euphemism, so get your mind out of the gutter – and still act morally outraged and lie about it with a straight face? 

She probably has a bright future in politics after all.

Hamas delenda est!   

The State of the ’24 Election, & One Hamas Position with a High Turn-over Rate (posted 12/11/23)

I started writing a column on my favorite bonehead congresswomen stories from the last week, but I also wanted to do a little horse-race talk about the 2024 election, and a good news story on Israel’s war with Hamas, too.  But the column started getting a little long, so I decided to make this a rare, three-column week.

First though, I’ve been nauseated by the way Brandon and his co-conspirators have turned “the MAGA agenda” into a vague, symbolic totem that they can use to motivate the easily frightened and shallow thinkers on their side into voting for them. 

But I’ve noticed that many folks on our side have been using it in several different ways lately.  I always thought of a MAGA agenda as pretty much synonymous with traditional conservatism.  But during the clashes between Trump and DeSantis this year, I’m not sure that many people are using it to mean what I thought it meant. 

My best guess right now is that MAGA might deviate from old-school conservatism in one of two ways:  

1. Either MAGA differs on a handful of policy issues — ex: being more pro-tariff than OG conservative “free trader/laissez-faire” positions; more isolationist-adjacent than aggressive in foreign policy; more relaxed about LGB (but not necessarily T or Q?) social issues than more religious conservatives; and more pro-criminal justice reform a la the sentence reductions, commutations and/or pardons in Trump’s “First Step” act in 2018.  

(On the first three of those, if I understand them correctly, I’m probably more MAGA than OG conservative.  But definitely not on the fourth.)


2. MAGA differs mostly in that it’s more about loyalty to or belief in Trump as the best chance to achieve mostly conservative goals, rather than being focused primarily on those goals in and of themselves.

But I could be wrong about both of those ideas.  I’d love to hear from some of the MAGA fans in CO nation on this topic:

What do you mean when you say “the MAGA agenda”?

Now, on to the horse race:

I’m still hoping for a Christmas miracle, and that DeSantis somehow gets the GOP nomination.  And much like a beleaguered Cubs fan, I’m going to hold onto that hope until he’s mathematically eliminated.

But assuming that Trump gets the nom, I’m feeling better lately about his chances against Biden, now that there’s a polling trend showing him with a small if consistent lead.  One usual caveat still applies: the Dems will cheat enough to win if it’s close, so any GOP candidate (Trump or anyone else) will have to win by more than the margin of fraud. 

And it’s still maddening to see neither Trump nor Ronna Romney (why did he have to back her for that crucial position?!) doing anything substantial to stop the steal next November.  Does anyone in CO nation have any info about GOP attempts to fight electoral fraud or tighten up voting procedures that I don’t know about?  (If so, please share them, and ease my mind!)

I’m also concerned that a lot of low-info voters might be dissuaded from voting for Trump if he’s got a conviction or two by November – infuriatingly unfair, but almost certain. 

One additional tricky factor for anyone trying to handicap a Trump/Biden race is the fact that a majority of voters of all stripes say that don’t want either of those two choices.   Recent Real Clear Politics average of all polls – which is probably the most accurate indicator in the goofy world of polling – show net approval ratings for Biden and Trump at the end of November as identical: they’re both underwater by 15 points, with 40% approval and 55% disapproval. 

On one hand, I can’t take those numbers super seriously, since it’s hard to take seriously the judgment of anyone who can see Trump as negatively as they see Biden!  On the other hand, those people can vote, so… yikes!

Those approve/disapprove numbers on election day would doom any candidate in political history… unless two such candidates are running against each other, which requires that much of the electorate holds their noses and chooses the guy they dislike the least.

That being the case, I think the GOP should probably stop pushing to impeach Biden.  Keep investigating him, demonstrating his corruption, and wounding him, sure.  But don’t knock him out!  Because other than Que Mala – and I’m assuming that even the Dems are not insane enough to run her if Biden is out –any other Dem (as terrible as they all are!) would have to be tougher to beat. 

And if you think it’s already too late for Biden to drop out… nope!  I’d point you to the best historical parallel of a president with lousy approval numbers who made a late exit: LBJ in 1968, whose bungling of Vietnam made him toxic.  Do you remember the date when LBJ dropped out? 

It was the last day of March! 

Besides, you can point to all of the rules, regulations and even laws you want – a candidate has to be on the ballot by this date, or nobody can receive the nomination after that date – but they all mean nothing.  The corrupt Dems can drop in a new candidate at the last minute, laws and rules be damned. 

They’ve done it before.  (I mean besides in 2020, when PA changed its rules in 2 crucial ways to allow massive mail-in voting, with no authentication of mail-in ballots.) 

In 2002, Robert “the Torch” Torricelli was the Dem candidate for Senate in New Jersey.   He couldn’t have been more transparently corrupt.  He was as obviously corrupt as Bob Menendez is now.  He was as corrupt as… well, I can think of no better metaphor:  he was as corrupt as a New Jersey Democrat.

The Dems didn’t care at all… until the fall of that year, when polls showed that he was going to lose in November.  They pressured him to resign, which he did on September 30th.  Unfortunately for them, the deadline for swapping out a candidate for a Senate seat was September 7th.  For an ethical party, that meant that they were stuck with the Torch. 

But these were Jersey Democrats.  So they brought creepy Frank “the lout” Lautenberg out of retirement at age 78, and put him on the ballot.  When the GOP took that violation of black-letter law to court, the Jersey Supreme Court (full of corrupt Dems) ruled that the law was flawed, because it would “prevent the voters from having a choice” in the election.

That claim was obviously and moronically wrong, because the voters had a choice: the GOP guy, or the Torch.  It’s not like Torricelli died or something; he was still there, but he was going to lose.  And if you’re a New Jersey Democrat, that cannot be allowed to happen.

So they swapped the Lout for the Torch, and the Lout won, and remained a senator until he died in 2013.  For some reason, the Dems then removed him from the Senate. 

I guess they hadn’t yet figured out the Biden Protocol (worst Robert Ludlum novel ever, by the way), which allows you to keep a deceased corrupticrat in office long after he has joined the choir invisible. 

So I’m for damaging Brandon, but propping him up to make sure that he’s on the ballot in November, because I think he’s our best chance to win!

Let me end on a happier note.  Israel continues to kill Hamas terrorists in bunches, and I’m as happy about that as Ivy League kids and the little charmers in the Squad are angry about it.

For one example, shortly after the IDF went into Gaza, they helped the commander of Hamas’ Shejaiya (pronounced just like it’s spelled) Battalion pursue his hobby of shrapnel absorption.  After which he quickly assumed rubble temperature. 

But not to worry.  Because Amad “Creaky” Kirkae, his ambitious understudy and Deputy Commander, was eager to step up to the big show.  He quickly moved into his predecessor’s old “office” (a musty, smelly section of tunnel with his blood still decorating the walls) and sent out an email announcement of his new position. 

(“I know I’ve got big sandals to fill, but with your buy-in, I know we can achieve greater evil synergy, and increase our dead-children deliverables.  Death to Israel.  Thanks!”)

Annnnnnddddd… Israel killed Creaky this week. 

Excellent!  These creeps have fruit-fly life expectancies; they’re dropping like anti-Semitic Ivy League presidents and Bud Light and Disney executives! 

Who’s on deck, Hamas?  Because…

Batter up!

Hamas delenda est!   

Good News Stories, From a WAPO Strike and Stupid Criminals to Hamas Terrorists Surrendering (posted 12/8/23)

I can’t believe I’m writing this, but John Fetterman is the best Democrat Senator in the United States.  He said Bob Menendez should be expelled, he came out against selling farmland to shady Chicoms, and he’s stood up for Israel and mocked pro-Hamas protestors. 

He’s probably a good example to keep all of us humble: if I thought that I knew anything for certain, it would be that Fetterman would be a 100% terrible senator. 

And lo and behold, he’s no worse than a 70% terrible senator.  Which, sadly, makes him the best of all of the Democrat senators.  So yeah, I got that one wrong.

Or, as a great Babylon Bee headline put it: “Weird: Man Becomes More Conservative As He Regains Brain Function.” 

The “journalists” at the Washington Post went out on a 24-hour strike yesterday.  Historically speaking, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of a strike bringing a company to its knees in less than many weeks of work stoppage, so I’m not sure what they thought they’d accomplish in a one-day strike.

In the regular working world, people call that “taking a day off.”   

The WAPO workers say they’ve been without a contract for 18 months, and the bosses aren’t giving them what they need.  But the paper is reportedly losing $100 million per year, and they’re in the middle of the latest round of layoffs (this time it’s a 240-job cut) to try to stem the financial bleeding. 

The workers put out a short video asking for people to support their negotiating position.  In that video, various WAPO reporters cite what they’ve done.  The first one out of the gate says that she’s risked her life covering Ukraine.  Which I think is a fair point.

But then the next five reporters in a row list five stories they’ve covered: “I’ve covered an insurrection.  A global pandemic.  Historic racial justice protests.  Climate change.  And gun violence in the America.” 

Yes.  And you’ve covered all of them dishonestly! 

There was no “insurrection” in the commonly understood meaning of that word.  You misled about the pandemic constantly.  (Horny pangolins started the whole thing!  It’s deadly for everyone!  Masks stop transmission!  Distancing by six feet is scientific!  The vax stops the virus!  Fauci is not the spawn of Satan!)  You called violent looting and riots by mobs of leftist, anti-white racists, “peaceful protests for racial justice.” 

You’ve exaggerated the threat of climate change based on computer models that we know are wrong, and you’ve lied about what we can do to mitigate it.  And you’ve constantly lied about who is perpetrating gun violence (it’s not law-abiding citizens and NRA members) and how it can be drastically reduced (enforce the laws on the books by giving long jail sentences to everyone who commits a crime with a gun).

Do you think that might be why fewer people are buying the WAPO, and thus paying your salaries anymore? 

In fact, I’ve got bad news for you: if the paper really is losing $100 million per year with all of you making what you’re making, you’re all overpaid already.  

And other than adopting a strategy of trying to bring in more money by not lying your ideological hindquarters off – you seem to have ruled out that possibility – the only way you could possibly get raises now would be if Bezos ponies up even more good money to throw after bad.

I don’t know Bezos, and the only one I know who might be close to billionaire status is the great and powerful CO.  But the way I understand it, billionaires are not generally in the “let me continue operating a corporation that loses $100 million per year” business.

But hey, workers of the world unite, and you do you, and good luck with those negotiations, you boneheads!

On another topic, in this winter of my discontent (despite it being the time of year when I celebrate God sending me a Savior Whom I sorely need), I am still thankful for one constant in this beleaguered world: most criminals are incredibly stupid.

One recent example was provided by four would-be carjackers in Bethesda, Maryland right after Thanksgiving.  They pistol-whipped their victim and took his keys, but then their getaway was thwarted by the fact that they couldn’t escape in his car.

Because while they should all be beaten with a stick, not one of them could drive one!

The Blaze story about their incompetence listed three other similarly moronic carjackings by bungling carjackers: one in San Antonio, who got shot by his would-be victim (because: Texas!) as he tried to find first gear; two in Maryland who had to leave the car they’d taken because they didn’t know the difference between a clutch and a marital aid; and three others who took a beating from a MMA-trained driver and had to return to their own car and lead the cops on a high-speed chase before getting arrested. 

(There’s no mention in that story of whether any of the driver’s ed rejects also had easily identifiable tattoos on their big stupid heads, but the smart money says probably.)

Another imbecilic criminal story happened last weekend in a Michigan Wal-Mart, where local police were holding a “Shop with a Cop” charity event.  Local poor kids were being escorted around the store by 75 uniformed policemen to receive some free Christmas presents.

That’s when an unnamed 62-year-old criminal genius decided that she’d fill a cart with over $700 worth of stolen stuff and roll it right out the front door. 

I’m not making that up.  In a country full of towns where cops are few and far between, because leftist supporters of criminals have defunded or harassed them off the job, this brainiac decided to stage her own little Thomas Crown Affair-style heist in a store filled with 75 cops!

She made it out to the parking lot and was stashing her loot in her car when she got arrested.

I don’t know anything about that woman other than her age, but I’d bet Joe Biden’s life on one thing.  The getaway car she was tossing the stolen goods into?

It had to be an automatic.  

But if we can categorically state that criminals are invariable dumb, can you guess which other group is also invariably d—

Oops, you got there ahead of me: Republicans.

Expelling Santos is a typically dumb GOP move.  Which is not to say that he didn’t deserve to be expelled.

He is a ridiculous dullard and delusional conman, and in a healthy political system, he would never have gotten with a million miles of winning a seat in the House.  He’s an embarrassment to the GOP and to his constituents, and free of our current context, he should have been tossed out of the congress forthwith.

Except.  Literally dozens and dozens (maybe hundreds!) of Democrats in the House – and in the GOP as well – have behaved as badly or worse than Santos, and all of them are still in the House, and probably will be until they are as broken down and senile as Joe Biden was before he passed away in mid-2020.

For a few quick examples: Maxine “Melting Face” Waters openly called for people to harass GOP pols in public; there is a jihadi caucus (Omar, Tlaib, Jayapal, et al) in the House who tacitly support terrorist groups like Hamas.

Santos is accused of using campaign funds to unethically enrich himself; name 6 Democrats (or Republicans) who haven’t!  Bob Menendez has been well-known to be a bribe-taking corrupt-icrat for years and is currently facing a raft of charges, and he’s STILL in the Senate, several decades after credible charges against him first surfaced.  

One charge against Santos was that he lied about his ethnic background when he falsely claimed to be Jewish.  Meanwhile, Grandma Squanto owes her entire academic and then Senate career to her faux Indian heritage claims, and she’ll be in the Senate until she dies, after which she’ll be the only white lady to receive a traditional Indian tree burial (look it up), despite having less connection to actual Indians than the Italian and Jewish actors who made up the Hekawi tribe on F-Troop. 

(Yes, that’s another timely pop culture reference that you only get in my columns.) (Also, #wemustneverstopmockingher) 

Therefore, since the Democrats have shown absolutely zero signs of any willingness to expel corrupt members of their own party in Congress (doing so would cut the number of Dems in congress by around 98.3%), it was political malpractice for the GOP to decrease their already razor-thin majority by expelling Santos.

So let’s re-cap.  Santos is a scumbag, but he had already been shunned by the GOP and was already getting tossed out next year.  In the interim, he would have been a reliable GOP vote, and the party would have a decent chance of replacing him with a Republican next November.  Meanwhile, the Democrat minority in the House is chock full of scumbags, and none of them have been condemned or forced out by the party, and they will all cling to their House seats like grim Biden.

I’m sorry, that’s “death.”  They will cling to their seats like grim death.

Finally, let’s go into the weekend on a high note: the many dozens of Hamas thugs who surrendered to the IDF yesterday.  Pics show them lined up on the street or riding in the back of trucks on their way to Israeli prisons, all of them stripped to their underwear.  (Not to sexually humiliate them, as they did to their unarmed victims, but because their terrorist ilk have a tendency to be armed to the teeth and wear explosive vests.)

These are heartwarming images, not just because they show that Israel is winning, but because it’s useful for the “Palestinians” to see their big, bad jihadi warriors revealed to be the weak cowards that they are. 

When they were up against unarmed hippie chicks and senior citizens, they were all “Allahu akbar” this, and fearless, “we will happily die as martyrs while killing Jews” that.  But when they have to face some pissed off Hebrews with guns, they end up standing around in the street in their undies like they’re attending a gay pride parade led by Dylan Mulvaney.  

By the way, I wonder what all of the pro-Hamas caucus in our congress and on our campuses think of those pictures?  They’ve been screaming for “proportionality” in Israel’s fight against Hamas for weeks. 

But do you think those idiots know that in this context, proportionality would mean finding hundreds of Israeli terrorists to rape hundreds of those Hamas captives, then murder all of them, but only after raping and murdering their wives and children and grandparents in front of them?

And then throwing their naked and mangled corpses in the back of open pick-up trucks and driving them through the streets of Tel Aviv while mobs of jeering Jews spit on and defile them?

I know: even though all of those captured Hamas terrorists deserve to be treated that way, that’s an insane and unthinkable scenario that would never happen in a million years.   

Which tells you everything you need to know about who are the good guys and who are the bad guys in Gaza and Israel.

Hamas delenda est!   

DeSantis Pummels Ken-Doll Newsom, & Cardona Butchers a Reagan Quote, Hilariously (posted 12/4/23)

Today I’ll start with my take on the DeSantis/Newsom debate, followed by some examples of leftists hilariously stomping on rakes in various contexts.

As regular readers know, although I vote Republican, I’m much more of a conservative than I am a Republican.  That’s because as you may have noticed, Republicans seem to divide their time between occasionally doing the right thing – in a limp, mealy mouthed and querulous way – and surrendering to leftist elites and the MSM (but I repeat myself) faster than Vidkun Quisling when a Nazi armored column is rumored to be within 100 miles of Oslo.

(Quisling is the only Norwegian my wife has forbidden me to mention.  So don’t tell her.)

As a conservative Floridian, I’m a big fan of Ron DeSantis, and I’m apparently one of the minority in the GOP who are still maintaining a faint hope that the miraculous could happen and he’d get the GOP nomination.  I’m going to hold onto that hope until – as now appears almost certain – his campaign finally succumbs to the combined onslaught from leftists and Trump.

On that day, I’m going to spend a little time with some Knob Creek 9 bourbon and mourn the loss of the best opportunity for disciplined, consistently conservative governance from the White House in my lifetime.  Then I’m going to get back up and start doing whatever I can to help persuade people to vote for Trump over Biden (or whoever will have replaced Biden on the Dem ticket by next November). 

Having said all that, you’ll probably expect me to cheerlead for RDS with a bunch of talking points about how he DESTROYED Newsom!!!

And sure, he did destroy Newsom, in large part because Newsom is such an oily and unpleasant liar that he is eminently destroyable.  And to the extent that RDS hammered Newsom last week, he advanced the cause of whichever GOP candidate may eventually face Newsom in a presidential election, whether in 2024 or later.    

But I’m not a cheerleader for particular candidates as much as for principles, and I do my best to give you an honest bounce on what I think happened, regardless of my own preferences.  And I saw some good and some bad out of DeSantis in the debate. 

The bad mostly involved style.  DeSantis is nowhere near the showman that Trump is, and he doesn’t have the charisma of a Reagan, or even of Bill Clinton (if you could stomach his falseness, which I couldn’t) or Obama (ditto).  In his weakest moments he comes across as awkward and uncomfortable.  And at a few points, he went after Newsom so relentlessly that he talked over him and became irritating.  (A more natural debater would let Newsom spout a bunch of his BS, and then counter-punch.  RDS always had the counter-punches, but often not the timing or style.)

Which leads me to the good: all of the substance, and a few moments of style.  As he always does, DeSantis had the receipts, facts and stats, and he used them to beat Ken Doll like a rented mule.  But in this instance that’s a pretty low bar, just because of RDS’ and Newsom’s records. DeSantis has been a great governor and produced great results; Newsom has been terrible, and produced terrible results.

DeSantis did a good job with the story of the guy he recently talked to who had fled California for Florida’s better governance… and that guy was Newsom’s father-in-law!  And it was fun to watch Captain Brylcreem squirm when DeSantis held up the gay kiddie porn book that the leftists want in middle school libraries, and when he held up the poop-map of San Francisco.   

So RDS played his cards well… but he was playing with a straight flush, so of course he won going away.    Sadly for me, I can’t see this debate changing anything in the GOP primaries.

In other more heartening news, lefty elites continue to beclown themselves in ways that should bolster our chances next November.  

One of the best things we have going for us is the infuriating way that MSM “journalists” keep upping the ante on their maddening racial gaslighting that repulses normal people.  And I know you’ve heard about the latest example.

It’s the one in which the black sports “journalist” that nobody had ever heard of – his name is Carron (pronounced “Karen,” perfectly enough) – attacked the kid at the KC Chiefs game for wearing blackface.  Of course the kid’s face was painted half black and half red, because those are KC’s colors. 

When Carron/Karen got blasted for his idiocy, he doubled down on the dumb, saying that the kid’s two-toned face paint was even worse, since it meant he was attacking both Indians and blacks.  Which is somehow more moronic than his initial claim.

But the extra-funny footnote is that the kid is actually part Indian.  When I heard that, I figured that in these PC times, that probably means he’s a 16th or a 32nd Indian at most.  But no, he’s got a grandpa who is an elder in some kind of Chumash council, and his dad is a member of the tribe, too.

But even if he had been only 1/32nd, that’s still many hundred times more Indian than Liz Warren, whose great-great-great-great grandpappy (Harrington Livingston the 3rd, fourth Earl of White-fordshire and second duke of White-ingham) raced down the gangplank from the Mayflower and briefly brushed against a startled Pequot.  (Yes, I’m still beating this dead Liz Warren warhorse! Because #wemustneverstopmockingher!)

But the funniest self-own in this ridiculous story comes from some little-known sports podcaster named Dan Le Batard (he forgot the “s”), who whined that it’s NEVER acceptable to wear black and red paint on your face.  Never, never, never!

And then… wait for it… a year-old picture surfaced of LeBa(s)tard dressed in a black and red outfit that looks like something you’d see the members of Quiet Riot wearing in 1983.  And his face… keep waiting for it… is smeared with red and black face paint!  

You cannot make up people as stupid as Carron/Karen and Dan Le Ba(s)tard.

Meanwhile at the White House, the National Christmas tree was put up last weekend, in preparation for Joe Biden’s attempted tree lighting several days later. 

Annnnnddddd… God sent winds gusting to 35 mph on Tuesday, toppling the tree, in what has to be the best metaphor for the travails of the Brandon administration since Joey Gaffes shook hands with a ghost and then fell over a sandbag.

Tragically, the tree was lifted back in place, but only after we’d all gotten the clear message: God wants nothing to do with this administration.

Finally, I could not end this column without mentioning the second-best illustration of the Biden administration’s incompetence from the past week: Miguel Cardona’s mangling of the famous Reagan quote: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”

Cardona was speaking at a meeting in Jackson hole, Wyoming – and boy, does this guy put the “ass” in Jackson Hole – when he illustrated how the feds are going to give “technical assistance” to schools.  Quoth the Ed Sec, “I think it was President Reagan who said, ‘We’re from the government. We’re here to help.’”

When I first read that, I thought that it must have been a misquote.  Even after I saw the transcript, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, because maybe he just had a momentary mental glitch, and mixed up Reagan’s quote. 

So I looked for other times when he discussed Reagan, and was discomfited to find these examples: “Even Ronald Reagan, on a visit to Berlin, famously said, ‘Mr. Gorbachev, keep this wall standing.  And maybe even reinforce it, with more barbed wire and armed guards.’”  And “The Democrat party didn’t leave me, I left the Democrat party.’”

That was not encouraging.  But I figured that an Education Secretary can’t be that addled, so I dove deeper into Cardona’s past, but found only more misinterpretations of historic speeches:

“In these trying times, I take inspiration from FDR, when he said, ‘The only things to fear are the dark, heights, and public speaking.  Oh, and spiders.  They’re so creepy!  And don’t get me started on fanatical Japanese kamikaze attacks.  Ooh, and also, fear itself.’”


“Today, on MLK Day, I’m reminded of the great man’s words of hope for the future, and I quote, ‘I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the content of their character, but by the intricate details of their racial and ethnic heritage, predominately the color of their skin.’”


“Who can forget JFK’s timeless admonition: ‘Ask what your country can do for you.  And don’t trouble yourself with what you can do for your country.’”

THIS is your Secretary of Education, people! 

Have I mentioned the persistent physical reaction I got (it didn’t quite last for four hours, so I didn’t have to consult my physician) when new Argentine President Javier Milei held a running chainsaw over his head and promised to completely eliminate the Argentinian Department of Education? 

We can learn a lot from that mutton-chopped weirdo/genius.

Hamas delenda est!   

Reality Slaps Lefty Mayors and Businesses, + More Gender Craziness (posted 12/1/23)

As my favorite month of the year begins, there are plenty of stories featuring people crying out to be mocked.  So let’s get to it:

Many Democrat mayors of many northern cities where you wouldn’t allow your dog to live – especially if she’s a spectacular Wonder Dog like my Cassie – have a new worry this winter: illegal alien-sicles.  As in “popsicles,” if popsicles ever huddled around trash fires saying, “Dios mio, hace frio como la teta de una bruja aqui afuera!”

Yes, I had to use an “English to Spanish” translator for that.  Because I had no idea how to translate a common weather-related analogy involved a witch’s mammary.

(Though if I’d thought about how the Grand Tetons got their name, I probably could have figured that out.)  (And that’s today’s “Language Corner,” boys and girls!)

Because it turns out that when many illegals accepted the call of Democrat bosses to rush across our borders and trample our laws as they made their way to “sanctuary cities,” neither the aliens nor the Dems considered how Central Americans might fare in northern winters.   

Perhaps hardest hit is Chicago mayor Brandon.  (His last name is not important, because “Brandon” says it all.) He promised back in the summer that Chicago would have huge numbers of heated tents and other accommodations for the huddled masses (yearning to vote Democrat) whom he and his co-religionists invited in.

But that was many, many immigrants ago – including 11,000 just from Venezuela! – and it turns out that the tents aren’t ready, and the city is broke.  (Because: Bidenomics!)

Watching Brandon squirm and cast about for scape goats has been entertaining.  He pointed the finger at previous mayor River-Carp Lightfoot for leaving him a mess.  (Fact check true, as far as it goes.) And at racists.  (Yawn.)

And, most hilariously, at “right wing extremists.”  (This in a town where the closest thing to right wing extremists were the two Nigerians who put on red hats and yelled, “Boo!” at Jussie Smollett, in exchange for a few bucks and a foot-long roast chicken club from Subway.) The last Republican mayor of Chicago was elected 100 years ago! 

But Brandon goes back even farther to find the real culprit.  In his speech, he pointed the finger at “the same right-wing extremism that refused to accept the results of the Civil War.”

Why on earth would WE refuse to accept the results of the Civil War?  We won it!  It’s your party who lost their slaves, and immediately formed the KKK and created a Jim Crow system that the GOP had nothing to do with. 

But Brandon’s delusional rantings don’t change three inescapable facts, or the obvious logical response:

The facts: Chicago is broke (Bidenomics!), and the average January temperature in Caracas is 74 degrees (Fahrenheit, because we’re not weird foreigners), while the average January temperature in Chicago is freezing.

The logical response: head home, Venezuelan illegals!

In other entertaining news, the marketplace continues to pummel leftist business-cretins.  Disney’s latest big-budget movie just face-planted on opening weekend.  (Thankfully, that film didn’t injure its face when it fell, because it was able to land on the soft bodies of the previous half-dozen Disney woke-stravaganzas that face-planted before it.)

Similarly, the Washington Post – slogan: “Democracy Dies in Darkness… If We Have Anything to Say About It!” – has announced yet another devastating round of layoffs.  They need to cut 240 positions, and only 120 of their employees have taken voluntary buyouts, so another 120 will get axed soon.

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt (until they prove that they don’t deserve it), and I’m sure that some of those workers are decent people.  But they work for a business whose product is lies and cultural destruction, so they’ll be better off somewhere else.

And the rest of the WAPO staff are professional liars, so they deserve the metaphorical axe the same way Robespierre deserved the literal one.  

John Nolte’s Breitbart article about this is a masterpiece, and I can’t recommend it highly enough.  When the WAPO  CEO blames the cuts on “a collapse in digital subscriptions,” Nolte cites another possibility, listing 27 hoaxes perpetrated by WAPO “reporters,” starting with Russia Collusion.

And his last two paragraphs, directed to the departing “reporters,” are chef’s-kiss perfect: 

“One last piece of advice: When you carry your box of stuff out to your Prius, make sure to bring along some bodyguards. The Democrats you idiots vote for have turned Washington, DC, into a hellscape, and as much as you want to see people like me physically hurt, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

By the way, Breitbart is hiring. We won’t hire you because you lie. I just wanted to rub that in. Merry Christmas. Kiss my ass.”

Love me some John Nolte!

In other publishing news, a raft of woke books bought by far-left editors have performed like Biden trying to walk up the stairs, and they’ve cost their publishers millions.  Examples include a “transgender” memoir written by poor Ellen Page – who now thinks she’s a boy named Elliot.  She was paid a $3 million advance, and the book sold only 68K copies, which is barely a fraction of the break-even minimum.

Someone named Carolyn Ferrell was paid over $250K for a woke tome that sold 3,163 copies.  Worse yet, Claudia Cravens wrote a Western called “Lucky Red,” for which she was paid $500K, only to have it sell around 3500 copies.

How could that happen, I asked myself.  I love Westerns!  Shane and True Grit are classics, and Elmore Leonard and Robert B Parker wrote a bunch of great ones.  What kind of aggressively promoted Western only sells 3500 copies?

Let me look at the reviews… Oh.  Turns out it’s a “queer” “feminist” Western.

Good lord, no wonder!  I mean, how would that even work? 

Would the heroine be confronted by a gunslinger, and then lecture him about how his pistol is just a phallic symbol, and he really should check his privilege instead of being all micro-aggressive?  Would she be surrounded on the open prairie by a Sioux war party, and then surrender to be scalped and murdered because she just loved the rich diversity of their authentic indigenous culture?

But at the last minute she’s rescued by Liz Warren, who defies her tribe’s strictures against blue-eyed faux-Indians falling for equally white, annoying and anachronistic whiners going on and on about how the chief is so patriarchal?  (#wemustneverstopmockingher) 

I know there are almost 350 million people in American, but I can’t believe that even 3500 of them bought a copy of such an abomination!

Speaking of sexual weirdness, I bet you haven’t heard the tale of author Rowan Jette-Knox.  But I’ve got to close with it, because it’s a story that might be the purest distillation of the gender insanity pushed by the left.

“Rowan” is a Canadian gal who was born “Amanda.”  She’s written two memoirs, and you’d have to read them way more closely than a well-adjusted person would, just to follow the convoluted tale of Rowan’s confused life.  But here’s my summary.

Amanda married a dude and they had three kids.  But then the middle kid decided he was really a girl.  Not too long afterwards, Amanda’s husband decided he’s really a woman.  Rather than trying to figure out what the hell is going on, she accepts the craziness and writes a 2019 memoir about how great everything is with her son/daughter and husband/lady. 

When the public points out that that whole thing is very weird, Amanda is triggered, dives into therapy and learns that she’s got Anxiety Disorder and Mood Disorder and PTSD – and probably the heartbreak of psoriasis – and publishes another book two months ago celebrating how great things still are in her family.

Then, last week, she posted an update.  Now she’s realized that she’s actually a dude, and she calls herself “Rowan.”  Her son who thinks he’s a daughter has grown up and moved out, so she (who thinks she’s a he) and her husband (who thinks he’s her wife) have now taken up polyamory, and are living with a couple of guys who think they’re girls (“Dani” and “Dame”).

A photo spread shows four people with odd haircuts and glasses, and unnatural hair colors, and who together involuntarily bring to mind the phrase “not with a ten-foot pole.”  She/he also has a dog, who is either sleeping through the photo shoot, or pretending to, out of sheer embarassment.

Look for a memoir next year (or maybe a queer, feminist Western?)

Spoiler alert: one of the “wives” has now impregnated the “husband,” and the dog now thinks he’s a cat.     

Hamas delenda est!   

Things to be Thankful for, this post-Thanksgiving (posted 11/27/23)

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!   I saw that CO was jet-setting around the country, but I was lucky enough to be able to stay home at stately Simpson Manor here in the free state of Florida.   Both of my daughters made it home, and both of Karen’s brothers and their significant others made it too, and a good time was had by all.

Because of the family coming to our house, I wasn’t able to make it up to Tennessee to see my mom and sister, but they had a restful holiday as well, and we’ll be up to see them soon.  Mom continues to do well, so thanks again for all of your good wishes and prayers for her recovery.

By the way, when I heard that Chevy had a syrupy tear-jerker of a new Christmas ad out, I scoffed, seeing as how I’m as tough as a two-dollar steak, and those kind of manipulative things can’t pierce the emotional armor of my manly self-control. 

Then I watched it, and it features a grandmother with Alzheimer’s being partially brought back to herself by a nostalgic ride in a 1972 Chevy Suburban around her old home town!  (Watch the full 5:30 version online.)  And after my recent experiences with mom, I ended up crying like Adam Kinzinger chopping onions as he watched his political career going up in flames.

Also, that commercial had a better storyline and acting than the last dozen woke Disney movie flops put together.  And if you tell anyone outside of the CO family that I cried at a car commercial, I’ll call you a lying, dog-faced pony soldier!  (Which will confuse them, because that makes absolutely no sense.)

I’ve posted a picture of mom and me from her birthday (maybe 5 years ago) at my own WordPress site (Martinsimpsonwriting.com).  If you go there and check it out, you may wonder why mom is laughing like a loon in her party hat, and why she’s in a picture with Brad Pitt wearing his own stylish chapeau. 

But no, that’s just me.  And yes, I’m wearing a turkey hat, and a paint splattered shirt.  (A look which less dashing and self-confident guys than me couldn’t pull off.)

I can offer no logical explanation, other than that’s how the Simpsons roll when we get together.  

And when mom gets to the point that she can’t recognize me, I’m going to see if putting on that ridiculous hat will jog her memory.  (I’ll put on some old George Jones songs and tell some of my dad’s old jokes, to help my chances.) 

So in this post-Thanksgiving column, I’ve looked for stories featuring things to be thankful for.  I’ll start with an easy one: the quality of this nation’s past leaders.   

The Founders were a providential gathering of some of the finest thinkers and leaders any country was ever blessed with.  (I love JFK’s quote calling a gathering of intellectuals at the White House “the greatest assembly of brain-power since Thomas Jefferson dined here alone.”) Less than a century later, two great Republican leaders – Lincoln and Grant – risked everything to correct the monumental sin of slavery that had been allowed to persist at our founding.

We’ve had some good (if not great) leaders in their wake.  I’m thankful that Trump accomplished as much as he did in one term, and most of all that he saved us from a Hillary Clinton presidency (shudder!) And I’m thankful for having had Ronald Reagan as a president in my youth.   In fact, in two months and ten days it will be Reagan’s birthday, and if he were still alive, he’d be 113 years old. 

Coincidentally, this past Monday was Joe Biden’s birthday, and if he were still alive, he’d be 81 years old.  RIP

(By the way, did you know that Joe Biden is actually older than Israel?  Not the original one, from 3300 years ago, but the current state of Israel.  I’m not making that up: our Cadaver in Chief is older than Israel!)  (And also, rumor has it, dumber than a bag of hammers.)  

I’m also thankful that 41 hostages (so far) have been released by the Hamas terrorists who kidnapped them.  And although it’s grim to say, I’m grateful that the two sides in that conflict – and the supporters of both, in this country and abroad – have revealed their true nature so starkly over the weeks since 10/7.

In the huge pro-Israel rally on the Washington Mall, the people were orderly and cooperative, the pledge of allegiance was recited, lots of American flags were flown, and no cops or buildings were attacked.  In the many pro-“Palestinian” rallies around the country, the norm was hate, violence, anti-Semitism and varied offenses against good order and good sense.

Even when the hostages and prisoners returned home in Israel, the differences were stark.  In Israel, the Jews cried and laughed and welcomed their innocent hostages with loving embraces.  In Gaza, the “Palestinians” welcomed their guilty, released criminals with joy and love, too.  Unfortunately, the love mostly arose because of their recovered coreligionists’ renewed opportunities to pursue their culture’s highest aspirations: killing more Jews.

Those released wasted no time raising the terrorist banners of Hamas (which, according to Arab polling, more than three-quarters of them support) and giving fiery speeches calling for more slaughtered Jews.  One such prisoner – a waste of oxygen called Roda Agamiya (46), an associate of Hamas’ al-Qassam Brigades who had been in prison for stabbing an Israeli – shouted, “We are the sword of Muhammad Daf!” 

Daf is a Hamas military leader, one who will hopefully soon have his beak shotgunned around to the side of his head by the IDF.  (Yes, that was a rare “Muhammad Daf-fy Duck” joke.  You’re welcome.)

The “Palestinians” even revealed themselves in the way they released their terrorized hostages.  Hamas thugs made their beleaguered victims wave and try to smile for the cameras as they climbed into ambulances to be taken back to Israel.  A small crowd of “Palestinian” “civilians” beat on at least one ambulance and taunted the Israeli hostages inside as they were driven out of the Hamas hellhole they’d been held in.    

Again, that’s cold comfort.  But I’m quite fond of One who said,”By their fruits ye shall know them,” and even when the fruits are bitter, we should be grateful that both the bitter and the sweet have been revealed to all who have eyes to see.   

On the domestic political front – an arena where there hasn’t been a whole lot to be thankful for in recent years – there are signs of hope.

For example, for the first time since 1877 – just a year after Lizzie Warren’s ancestors defeated George Custer (#wemustneverstopmockingher) – Charleston (South Carolina’s largest city) has elected a GOP mayor.  It was a razor-thin decision, but considering that the same city went big for Joey Gaffes three years ago, it’s a heartening sign.

And in a more important national story, Elon Musk has unleashed a huge lawsuit against lying leftist propaganda mill Media Matters.  The details are complicated, but the big picture is simple, and familiar: MM rigged the tech to make it look like Twitter (I’m not calling it “X” until news stories can call it “X” without adding “formerly known as Twitter”) welcomed Nazi sympathizers. 

Then they used those false smears to pressure a bunch of big, invertebrate companies to drop their advertising on Twitter, in an attempt to cripple their business and squelch the free speech of everyone to the right of Karl Marx (ignominy be upon him).     

I hope Elon crushes them beneath his feet and bankrupts the whole rotten lot of them.  Not just because I enjoy seeing malicious liars getting stomped.  (But you can call me petty if you want: I do enjoy that!)  But because it will be a much-delayed and much-needed shot across the bow of all of the tech bosses who have gotten used to controlling the public conversation in our country.    

Finally, in more international good news, Javier Milei won a surprising victory to become Argentina’s new president.  I didn’t know much about Argentine politics, and I know nothing about Milei, other than a few minutes of video I’ve seen, and that he’s got the wildest hair and muttonchops that I’ve seen since the early 1970s. 

But I can tell by the way that the MSM has their collective dress over their collective empty head that I will probably love the guy. 

They call him “far right” (translation: at least a little right of center), and an “anarcho-capitalist” (translation: not a socialist dope), and a “fiery populist” (translation: he doesn’t hate normal people).  They’ve also called him “an Argentinian Trump,” which isn’t the insult that they think it is.  (If he can manage to avoid calling his running mate and everyone in his cabinet bird brains, losers and idiots, I might be checking out home prices in Argentina if next November goes the wrong way!)

He’s waved a running chainsaw in the air above his head, to symbolize how he’s going to cut government spending, including listing entire departments that he’s planning to eliminate.  (Be still my heart!)  And even though those kind of promises usually come to nothing when the establishment digs in their heels, he might have a chance to do some of what he is promising. 

Because inflation in Argentina has been running over 140% lately (You know what they call that here?  That’s right: Bidenomics!), and the country has declared bankruptcy three times this century.  (I just did a little research.)

And sure, the leftist geniuses who have been running the country for decades are going to try to convince the country that Milei doesn’t know what he’s doing.  But with their track record, who would be stupid enough to believe them?

I mean besides Paul Krugman, Janet Yellin, AOC, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden’s ghost, Que Mala, Mayor Pete, the Democrat black caucus, the Democrat jihadi caucus, all of the Democrats in the Senate…

Hamas delenda est!